Display Issue

Issue #29 resolved
Thomas Papougnot created an issue


I installed the add-on last week and started to display some graphs.

But this week, it doesn't work anymore, the gadget stays in "Building chart" mode for ever.

I tested with one dataset and a simple JQL : project = QA, but I had this error : "Error in JQL Query: The EQUALS operator does not support the use of the during (startOfDay(), endOfDay()) predicate."

I tried several way of writing the JQL, but I always have an error. If the query is "project WAS IN (QA)", the message is "History searches do not support the 'project' field."

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can't see what. Could you help me ?

Thank you very much

Comments (3)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @tpapougnot It depends what you're trying to graph. But the first step might be to change the "Time Series" field from "None" to "Created" for the simplest graph. (Issues created over time).

    If you run into more problems, please provide a detailed description of what you want to graph, and I'll be happy to help.

    cheers, David

  2. Thomas Papougnot reporter

    Hello David,

    it seems to work again for me, the only case where the graph doesn't build is when I select "None" in the Time Series Field.

    Happy to use your tool, you can close this ticket.

    Thanks a lot ! Best regards

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