JavaScript Chart labels do not appear in order

Issue #31 resolved
Jim Callaghan created an issue

The dataset labels seem to have a random order despite the order in which they appear when editing the chart.

Comments (3)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi Jim Thanks for raising this. Sorry for the delay in responding.

    After quick investigation it looks like the order is defined by which JQL query (1 from each dataset) happens to return first from the JIRA backend server. It should be possible to do this one by one, although the speed of the graph generation could end up being slightly slower.

    Looking at the code, its a bit tricky though. Just wondering if you found a way around this, or its still a problem for you?

  2. Jim Callaghan reporter

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It still is a problem and the only thing that sort of worked was to edit the datasets in the order that I wanted them to appear (e.g. Good, Issues, Blocked, None). This ‘workaround’ was a bit hit or miss, but as soon as I made another change I had to go through the process again with mixed results.

    Speed isn’t that important to me as the dashboard doesn’t have to be real-time; it can update, say, every 15 minutes.

    Regards, Jim

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