Multiple Date Fields in Same Data Set for Total Count of Issues

Issue #34 closed
Greg D created an issue

Hi David,

I hope all is well. I was wondering if it would be possible to graph on multiple date fields for the same data set. I am hoping to get a combined count for a particular date of all issues that were either resolved or partially deployed (a custom timestamp that I have on an In Progress status). Currently I have them as two separate lines (type: area). I am trying to make a custom in/out report...the in is a custom timestamp and the out could be fully resolved or partially resolved.

Comments (3)

  1. Greg D reporter

    I guess I should also mention that I have two other lines with other different date fields on the chart too. Your gadget has been tremendously helpful...thank you!

  2. Greg D reporter

    I was able to use another custom date/time field that will stamp only once when the issue is either partially deployed or resolved. I miss out on the count of the resolved that happen on a later date after getting partially deployed...but I could potentially make an additional line for that. I will close this out for you.

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