Cannot find "average per issue" option :/

Issue #343 resolved
Dimitri KOCH created an issue

Hey there, the Wiki tells that we should be able to use “average per issue” option to automatically divide y-axis by issue count. Sadly, I cannot seem to find this in “Chart options” or “Datasets” tabs. We are using a team-managed project and I also tried to add a new fresh gadget with a single axis but the option is not displayed either. What are we missing? 🤔

Comments (7)

  1. boydo repo owner

    @Dimitri KOCH It looks like that option only appears if the Time Series Field is set to None (Sum of existing issues)

    With that time series configuration, the issue count is historical, ie. however many issues existing at a previous point in time

    I don’t think anyone’s ever asked for it outside that configuration, but I can’t see any reason not to include it as an option if you want it?

  2. Dimitri KOCH reporter

    Hey 👋

    I played around a little bit with the time series configuration you mentioned. It looks promising indeed even though count is historical as you pointed out. In the current state, I guess we would have to introduce and use a transition status (resolving?) so that issues are not taken into account the next week/month (whather period we are choosing).

    Having this option for other time series configurations would be lovelly. Dunno if that would be compatible with our configuration/use case. We used a named filter so I will just put the filter value below just in case:

    issuetype = Story AND resolved is not EMPTY

  3. Dimitri KOCH reporter

    @boydo please me let know if you need more details or anything. I could even create a pull request on this repository if I have access to just so that this feature does not take up your time


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