" AND sprint in openSprints()" is not working

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

Mi graph is showing value only if I will not add this " AND sprint in openSprints()".

It's working in JQL.

Field is selected to "None"

Comments (5)

  1. Kacper Mazek

    I've reported this issue. I've created an account to add more details.

    It's not working only when "sprint in openSprints()" is at the end of query.

    So query: PROJECT= BaseCamp AND issuetype = sub-task AND Sprint in openSprints() AND status was in ("To do", "In progress",Review) is working

    but same query but with different order: PROJECT= BaseCamp AND issuetype = sub-task AND status was in ("To do", "In progress",Review) AND Sprint in openSprints() is not working

  2. Kacper Mazek

    And sorry for quality of my first issue reported, I'm looking what I've written there and I don't understand it :)

  3. boydo repo owner

    @kmazek You are correct, this is a bug.

    The problem is because when the option "None (show total)" is selected, I'm adding "on YYYY-MM-DD" to the end of the query and executing it multiple times for each day on the graph. So the second example doesn't work.

    Hence I need to improve that logic so it handles all cases. Will try and look at it this week...

    Thanks for reporting!

  4. boydo repo owner

    I feel this issue can be considered resolved due to the new realtime error text when entering JQL, the additional help text in the dialog and the new docs

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