Charts not fully appearing

Issue #43 resolved
Paul Merrill created an issue

I've had javascript charts working for some time. However, now I note that while I have not changed anything the charts are only partially appearing. The progress bar at the bottom gets about 1/2 way, sometimes 90%, and then stops.

Sometimes it does complete but it runs REALLY slowly.

Any ideas?

Comments (5)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @pmerrill59,

    Looks like there could be some rate-limit/timeout hit as the chart is querying the JIRA instance for the data.

    Could I get your exact JQL query so I can investigate further pls? Also, are there other charts on the dashboard, or just this one?

    In the short term, you could try reducing the chart to 3 months worth of data. Thanks, David

  2. Paul Merrill reporter

    I've reduced down to 60 days and they all completed (I've got 4 on my dashboard). However, a month ago, with no changes to the graphs, they were all completing then. So it appears that maybe there is a slowdown somewhere, either in the SQL or somewhere else. In general, nothing has changed in 2 months with the graphs and all of a sudden they stopped working and started to timeout.

  3. Paul Merrill reporter

    I've attached a picture of one of the JQL queries and here's the query

    project IN (IMS) AND type in (Defect, Issue, Task) AND Severity in ("Sev 1 - Critical") AND (Resolution WAS NOT "Change Request") AND Status WAS IN (NEW, OPEN, REOPENED, "IN PROGRESS", RESOLVED) Capture.PNG

  4. boydo repo owner

    @pmerrill59 Apologies for the delay. I reproduced on a large instance, and believe the problem is that the browser is timing out on long running JQL queries. I've implemented a retry for this case, so believe the issue should now be resolved.

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