Misaligned Data and Date on Plotly Chart

Issue #44 resolved
Benjamin Lovelace created an issue

It seems the data points do not align with the correct month on the chart.

Chart Dates:

Period: Monthly

Days Previously: 360

Cutoff Date: 2017-12-31


JQL: Project = PUB AND issuetype = "Development" AND status not in (Cancelled, Superseded) AND component = "Update"

Time Series Field: Submission Due

Y-axis (matches each Dataset name):

  • Development Hours
  • Crosscheck Hours
  • Revision Hours
  • Total Hours

Comments (2)

  1. boydo repo owner

    @blovelace You're right. Because there are 4 bar chart datasets for each date and the bars are spaced horizontally across the chart, it looks like the third-party plotly library just runs out of room and does its best to display the info.

    One thing I've just done however, which may help you here, is to add a "stacked bar" chart option, so that the bars can be stacked vertically. This should give more accurate date info for each dataset. eg: Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 11.41.21 am.png

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