JQL error

Issue #50 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I enter a query, the error below appears: "Error in JQL Query: The EQUALS operator does not support the use of the during (startOfDay(), endOfDay()) predicate."

The query entered is below, and works fine in issue navigator: project = 'PERK' and sprint in openSprints() and status was in ('To Do', 'In Progress') and assignee = 'UI829812' and issuetype = 'Sub-task'

I've also simplified the JQL to just project = 'PERK' but still get the error

The graph produced is just a flat line at 0. I want to graph the remaining hours for a particular user over the course of the sprint. I would have a data set per user. Can't get anything to display, even basic, presumably due to this error.

Comments (6)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Thanks for testing in issue navigator. It seems to work for me if I reorder the query slightly:

    project = 'PERK' and assignee = 'UI829812' and issuetype = 'Sub-task' and sprint in openSprints() and status was in ('To Do', 'In Progress')

    where the last part contains the 'was in' part. This works because my app appends the ' DURING ....' part to the end of the query, which only makes sense if 'was in' is at the end

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks - reordering the query did fix the error, however I still can't get a useful graph. What I was hoping for, was for each date on the graph, the value of "remaining estimate" at that point in time would be plotted. I am coming to the conclusion that it will only plot the current value of this field regardless of the date in the graph. Is there any way of achieving what I'm looking for? It's kind of a burndown chart per assignee, but my aim is to keep an eye on whether anyone is getting overallocated. Thanks.

  3. boydo repo owner

    hi @harvesteruk

    Unfortunately it looks to me like JIRA does not store historical values of the "remaining estimate" over time. It looks like it just updates the value each time it is changed.

    You could try raising a feature request on JAC but it looks like what you want can't be done in the short term :(

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