Set start date, or biweekly grouping not working as expected

Issue #51 resolved
David Malone created an issue

I'm attempting to group stories completed using the biweekly option to show a graph of the number of stories resolved in a sprint (as we're doing 2 week sprints). Initially the report was matching what I would see in my sprint reports, but now it is not. It seems like the biweekly grouping is sliding and not showing the same calendar week grouping.

I've tried setting a cutoff date and a days previous value that would cause the "resolved" dates to fall within two weeks of each other from the first day on the chart, but they show up as two different data points of 1 instead of one data point of 2.

Is there a way to set the start date for the biweekly calculation, or another way to group results into completed sprints?

Comments (5)

  1. David Malone Account Deactivated reporter

    Additionally I tested in issue navigation with the following JQL:

    Project in (AVE) and component in (Preacher) and issuetype = story and status was done AND Sprint not in openSprints()

    Which returns 3 results with Resolved dates of 26/Jul/17, 08/Aug/17, 19/Jul/17

  2. David Malone Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @dboyd-atl

    I have tried that, but what I'm looking for will span sprints so I don't think that will work. Basically we have objectives that are quarterly, and what I want to see is the number of story points three different teams have accomplished every sprint in that quarter, which end every other wednesday for us. I hope that makes sense.


  3. boydo repo owner

    @dmaloneCDN If I understand correctly, you're saying it's not possible to maintain the correct alignment of dates for 2-week buckets of story points? I've been investigating and just released a small change to the code which means the following approach should now hold true..

    Provided the "days previously" is set to a multiple of 14, and the "cutoff date" is anywhere in the last week of the last 2-week sprint you want charted, then where the two week bucket dates align should be correct and stay consistent for the length of your current sprint.

    Your dataset configuration would be: Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 3.36.08 pm.png

    and an example dates configuration would be: Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 3.41.12 pm.png

    Please let me know if this helps

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