Jira cloud freezes when using JavaScript Charts for JIRA Cloud

Issue #54 resolved
Nadia Boulahya created an issue

I am using javascript charts for jira cloud on a cloud instance. The whole instance freezes while generating the chart... Here a information about the cart settings :

Chart Title : Aged tickets repartition

Chart Style : Ploty

Show Grid: no

Show Zero on Y-axis : no

Chart height (px) : (not set)

Period : weekly

Dates : custom

Cutoff Date (optional) : (not set)

Days Previously : 90

Data sets

P0 +3months

  • Data set name : P0 +3months
  • Type : Bar
  • Time Series Field : None (sum of existing)
  • Y Axis : issue count
  • JQL : project = "RD - ThingPark" AND issuetype = "Integration Bug" AND priority = Highest AND created < -12w and status was in ("To Do", "In Progress", "In Review")

P1+ +3months

  • Data set name : P1+ +3months
  • Type : Bar
  • Time Series Field : None (sum of existing)
  • Y Axis : issue count
  • JQL : project = "RD - ThingPark" AND issuetype = "Integration Bug" AND priority != Highest AND created < -12w and status was in ("To Do", "In Progress", "In Review")

P0 +1month

  • Data set name : P0 +1month
  • Type : Bar
  • Time Series Field : None (sum of existing)
  • Y Axis : issue count
  • JQL : project = "RD - ThingPark" AND issuetype = "Integration Bug" AND priority = Highest AND created < -4w and status was in ("To Do", "In Progress", "In Review")

P1+ +1month

  • Data set name : P1+ +1month
  • Type : Bar
  • Time Series Field : None (sum of existing)
  • Y Axis : issue count
  • JQL : project = "RD - ThingPark" AND issuetype = "Integration Bug" AND priority != Highest AND created < -4w and status was in ("To Do", "In Progress", "In Review")

Do you have any ideas why the cloud instance seems unavailable during the graph computation?

Best Regards,

Nadia B.

Comments (10)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi @nadia_b

    Thanks for the details. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce on my instance with those settings. I have a few questions:

    1. For how long is the cloud instance unavailable for?
    2. Is it unavailable for all pages and all users?
    3. Are there any other gadgets on the dashboard?

    The problem may be overloading the instance with REST API calls, but those charts you've provided shouldn't be causing a high or unmanageable number of REST API calls ...

  2. Nadia Boulahya reporter


    The cloud instance is unavailable for the time the graph is being displayed, around 10 to 15 minutes. The cloud instance becomes unavailables for all pages and for all users. The are other gadgets on the dasboard which are loaded with no problem. I use an other instance of the gadget on an other widget. that does not generates service disruption on Jira cloud instance. On this other widget, I have 3 datasets, but only 1 is using "Time Series Field : None (sum of existing)" (JQL request with DURING)


  3. boydo repo owner

    Thanks @nadia_b

    I've been discussing with the JIRA team over the last few days, and it seems you're correct. They've asked me to make some changes (which I've done) and they are also making changes on their end.

    Please try again if you can (when it's safe to do so). My understanding is that the issue should now be resolved.

    Regards, David

  4. Nadia Boulahya reporter

    Hi @dboyd-atl,

    Thanks for your feedback. Jira team told us they performed maintenance on our Jira instance last Tuesday (we asked them to add more resources on our instance), so I made a test last Friday. The result was: when the gadget is loading (during 1min30sec approximately), the Jira service remains up, but is very slow for all the users, but at least no more service unavailability! Do you have any idea on how I should handle this issue (slow Jira instance response during chart generation)? Is it an issue on Jira or on the gadget?



  5. boydo repo owner


    Do you mind providing the url of your instance pls?

    I'd like to ask Atlassian to confirm if my addon is causing this on yours or any other instances ...


  6. Nadia Boulahya reporter

    Hi @dboyd-atl,

    Here is the URL : https://actility.atlassian.net

    Just for your information, we have an opened issue on atlassian support. For now on, their answer is :

    "Thanks for the update. We could indeed see that the gadget calls were overloading the system at around 16:23 pm. The dashboard URL is https://actility.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=13802 At the moment though this dashboard page is restricted and we cannot inspect the gadgets that are configured for it. Could we get your permission to impersonate your account and access the dashboard page? Could you provide the background on what is the use case for this dashboard page and how much gadgets are intended to be configured? In general, overloading a dashboard page with gadgets could lead to performance issues and in such cases we would recommend to lower the number of gadgets that are configured. Also as specified on the Marketplace, the JavaScript Charts for JIRA Cloud is actually an unsupported add-on. As it seems on the current design of the add-on, it is calling a lot of search rest api calls which introduces additional load on your JIRA application. "



  7. Nadia Boulahya reporter

    Hi @dboyd-atl,

    Here is the final answer from Jira Support : "Hi Nadia,

    Thanks for the patience. I went ahead and checked the INT Backlog Dashboard. I found that the gadget that was causing the system some performance issues is the Aged tickets repartition.

    When this gadget is loaded on the dashboard it generates hundreds of search request against JIRA. Unfortunately, the gadget is unsupported according to the Marketplace listing but there is an option to send a feedback to the vendor of this add-on via this contact form.

    At the moment, it is best to remove this gadget from the dashboard to avoid any further performance issues on the JIRA application. Please do that and monitor if the system is working properly after loading the INT Backlog Dashboard page.


    Regards, Nadia

  8. boydo repo owner

    Hi @nadia_b ,

    Thank you very much for the updates. I've been watching with interest. My addon conforms to the search request rate Atlassian recommended to me.

    I've requested more information from Atlassian via vendor support channels, and I'll let you know as soon as there is a solution.

    In the meantime, I'd recommend doing what they suggest to avoid risking any slowing down of your JIRA instance, and not using that chart for the moment.

    Alternatively the following would reduce the number of search requests:

    • Increasing the period (eg. weeks to months)
    • Reducing the number of days
    • Reducing the number of datasets

    Sorry I can't be more help. Will update as soon as I hear anything

  9. Nadia Boulahya reporter

    Hi @dboyd-atl,

    I will follow the recommendations and use the gadget only out of business hours. The chart I get from your gadget is very useful for me. Thanks for your time and please, keep me posted! Regards,


  10. boydo repo owner

    Timing out, as I never heard back from the Atlassian team, and the issue seems to have stopped occurring as far as I can tell

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