In "Edit data set", UI dropdown box for Time Series Field expands outside of viewable area

Issue #62 resolved
Former user created an issue

This makes selecting an option for this field nearly impossible. See attached screen capture.

Comments (10)

  1. John Price Account Deactivated

    I'm having the exact same problem using current Chrome. I'm (barely) able to work around it by knowing the options and typing the first few characters of the one I want, but I can't have my end users doing that. We love this add-on - please fix if possible!

  2. boydo repo owner

    Thanks very much @john_price_ipreo for the extra info. I really appreciate knowing it is happening on Chrome.

    It looks from the screenshot that in your case the dropdown is shown on the left (outside the dialog) instead of the right. This would be a bug in the AtlasKit UI components I'm using. I've found a few candidates (that have been fixed recently) in their bug tracking so an upgrade to their latest components version may fix it. I'm working through that now, as upgrading is non-trivial, and requires a bit of testing ...

    However, I still can't reproduce the issue. I've tried: - various screen resolutions - browsers sizes - zoom levels - Different OS (Mac / Windows / Linux) - Really long field names (to make the dropdown wider) - lots of field names (to make the dropdown longer) etc. But cannot reproduce. If there's anything unique about your instance, or browser please let me know! Otherwise, I'm hoping that upgrading the UI component library will fix the issue ...

  3. John Price Account Deactivated

    I also wonder whether it's caused by the update status of our particular Jira cloud instance. Since Atlassian rolls new changes to servers in stages over weeks or months, maybe we have some change you don't (or vice versa).

  4. boydo repo owner

    @john_price_ipreo Thanks for the video and all your help. I think I have a fix, which I've deployed. Please let me know if there's any change?

  5. John Price Account Deactivated

    Good news! It's working now. The behavior I see is:

    • Type field: values appear below the dropdown
    • Time Series and Y-Axis fields: values appear in a list to the right of the dropdown, which means I can now select them.

    While I'm in there I do notice that the Y-axis field is not as wide as Time Series. It's usable, but that does mean that the dropdown is also narrow and cuts off the field names for most fields. Would it be possible to make that the same width as Time Series for consistency?

  6. boydo repo owner

    Thank you for the fast response. I've widened the Y-axis field too. I'll close this issue, please let me know if you have any further issues. Cheers!

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