Option to add a Data Label to each point on Time Series

Issue #69 open
Amit Khullar created an issue

Currently we only see numeric Values like Date etc to be chosen for the Timeseries option. We need something like this which can primarily represent a release name.


Comments (5)

  1. Amit Khullar reporter

    No the gridline doesnt serve the purpose. Let me explain what i am doing

    The actual data is this which i am storing per release as a metric :


    When i configure the Data Set its like this :


    I dont get an option to relate all the data to a release name since we are doing it based on the Release Date on the timeseries and there is no option to add Release 1 and Release 2 as values to signify the stacked bar values.


    So the overall graph shows like this :


    I just want a way to add text on X Axis which mentions the release name ( Release 1 / Release 2 etc) in addition to the time series which is based on Release Date field ( also being stored in the issue). Time series only shows the numeric values only. So incase some how there is a possibility of adding the text for each stacked bar.

  2. boydo repo owner

    Thank you very much for the explanation. I have some questions .. What defines the location of each label? Is it a date that you will enter manually? Is that sufficient, ie. to have the ability to manually add x-axis labels, or are you looking more for an automated solution where each "Release X" label isn't manually entered into the chart, but pulled from a Jira JQL search somehow?

  3. Amit Khullar reporter

    Hi David,

    Apologies for the late response.

    The location of the label will be tied to the data point as above in the time series. Like in above example i am using the Release Date (custom field of type date) to showcase the data as above as the time series field.

    It would be great if i can get an automated way to show the label which can be a text/date field from JIRA itself like - Summary / Affects Versions /Target Release field ( custom field ) which i can use to signify the data point on the time series.

    Hope that helps. Thanks


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