Option to set Cut-off date and 'previously days' as start and end of sprint

Issue #7 resolved
Former user created an issue

We are using already those charts for presenting information in sprint.

After each sprint we will be required to changed cut-off date, which isn't huge problem, but could be automated.

Also I believe that other user will be interested in having some custom charts for sprints

Comments (6)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Hi, the cut-off date is optional only. If left blank the behaviour will be to show "previously days" as measured from the current day.

    So if I've understood your question you should never need to use it?

  2. Kacper Mazek


    Jira don't provide Burndown charts based on number of sub-tasks (Only on time or story points in Stories).

    We are using Jira not only in IT projects, in non-IT we have found that measuring progress is working very good only by counting number of subtasks.

    We are using javascript charts for different things, but also for a burndown chart where we count number of sub-tasks.

    That's why we are using "cut off date" + 7 days remaining to see graph from start to the end of sprint. (We are putting cut-off date in future).

    It's different to see always last 7 days. We are like to watch same 7 days through the whole week (Monday-Sunday).

    It's not a critical request, I can only imagin that people would be more likely also to create charts to present data cross sprint only.

  3. boydo repo owner

    Aha! I understand. Sure I can add this in. I never thought anyone would use my add-on like this, but it does make perfect sense. Thanks for raising this request!

  4. Kacper Mazek

    @dboyd-atl This one and:


    Together can give users possibility to create more personalized burndown charts.

    We are already using that in the team, and it's great. We can track on single chart scope changes, work remaining, and have some other combinations like - how many of work is in progress or in testing.

    As a team we have better quality discussion right now, then looking only on a board.

    If you will google "Burndown chart by number of sub-tasks in Jira" you will find 10-20 posts with plenty of comments and votes from users that are looking for it. Thanks to your plugin it's possible to create those.

    Once this one and hour granulation will be completed I will describe my case with your tools as solutions on stackoverflow and attlasian support topics, so others may start using it in same way

    Thanks again for great work :)

  5. boydo repo owner

    New option added to use an Agile Board for the chart dates. Dates will be taken from the active sprint for the board

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