Monthly chart with plotly shows wrong month.

Issue #78 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Plotly charts show the wrong (next) month for the monthly x-axis.

For example 5/31/2019 is shown as June on the chart - c3 shows the actual date as 5/31/2019.

So I end up with shifted months for data and today for example - I have June showing with may data and chart gives may as down. If I mouse over the month the correct MM/DD/YYYY is shown and this is confusing my users.

C3 works but shows DD/MM/YYYY format and plotly chart looks better

Comments (1)

  1. boydo repo owner

    Unfortunately there's not much I can do about this :(

    I provide identical data to both the C3 and Plotly libs, so if they choose to display it differently it's up to them

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