Option to remove null values in line graph

Issue #83 open
Former user created an issue

Can we get an option to remove the null values while plotting the line graph ? The graph looks weird in case there is not dataset in between and the gap makes the graph give a wrong understanding to user that there was a dip in performance of the KPI being tracked using the line graph.

Look at Step 1 where we should remove the points which are plotted due to null values and instead plot the graph as shown in step 2 in the image. http://prntscr.com/og316s

Comments (11)

  1. Mart Moerdijk đźš´

    First of all, thank you for making this plugin!

    Are you still working on this issue ? I would really help me if this issue would be resolved.

    Is there any way I can help?

  2. boydo repo owner

    @Mart Moerdijk đźš´ This request might be a bit beyond the intention of what was supposed to be a simple app that only ever displayed JQL search results in a chart.

    You’re asking me to do some post-processing on the returned JQL data before displaying it, which is probably a bit more than this app was ever intended for. Is there no way to craft a JQL query, or manipulate the Jira data to avoid having to handle your specific edge cases?

  3. boydo repo owner

    makes the graph give a wrong understanding to user that there was a dip in performance

    Could this be solved by setting expectations for the user in some other way?
    Eg. a text gadget next to the chart that explains what’s happening?


  4. Mart Moerdijk đźš´

    I think i was not clear. The problem is with the binning on the date axis. If there is no data available for that specific date (or date range) the app generates a 0 so the line goes to zero.

    We use it to plot a specific kpi (number field) . We do not run the test every single day (weekend for example) but if i want to make a plot of that kpi the line will jump to 0 if there is no data for that specific day. like this:

    BUT if i change the period to bi-weekly i get this:

    and the line does not longer go to zero in between

  5. boydo repo owner

    @Mart Moerdijk đźš´ Thanks for the additional info.
    I just want to clarify the “without data” part of your request. My app does a query for every time “bin” and always gets back a numeric value from Jira. There’s no distinction between a case where there’s “no data available” and a value of “0” for that time period.

    Are you saying for your case getting zero back is never valid? I’m worried because your top chart has some values that are very close to zero.

    All I can do is filter all zeros out of the dataset. There’s no way of knowing if that zero is actually a valid value and should be included …

    ie. Can a test be run, but output a value of zero?

  6. Mart Moerdijk đźš´

    @boydo Thanks for the information, it make more sense now.

    Are you saying for your case getting zero back is never valid? I’m worried because your top chart has some values that are very close to zero.

    All I can do is filter all zeros out of the dataset. There’s no way of knowing if that zero is actually a valid value and should be included …

    In our case there will never be a zero yes.

    But I think the solution could be simpler, I do not know JQL very well but In SQL there is a possibility to count rows. You could filter out the “bins” that do not have any issues in them. by checking the number of issues in that bin, if there is 1 or more issues in the bin, the value holds, if there is no issue the whole bin does not get a value and the line would go straight to the next valid value



  7. boydo repo owner

    @Mart Moerdijk 🚴 I’ve added a new Connect Gaps option for each dataset.

    For the case where the y value is anything other than Issue Count and Connect Gaps option is set true, then time bins that find 0 issues, will be set to null and the charting library will be requested to connect the gaps in the missing data.

    I think this meets your request, please let me know if does/doesn’t. Thanks!

  8. Mart Moerdijk đźš´

    @boydo That is exactly it! Thank you!

    Sorry for the late reply, i’ve sick with “the thing” and a bit of my game

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