How can one make an Active Sprint Sub-task Burndown chart?

Issue #87 new
Rodney Foley created an issue


I am looking for help in creating a sub-task burndown chart for the active sprint.

Y-Axis = Total Sub-tasks
X-Axis = Days in active sprint

Line goes down from left to right as tasks are closed.

I am not familiar enough yet with JQL and what Jira offers or this library to get much farther than this.

Which looks more like a burn up and doesn’t seem to show total tasks correctly. We have 27 tasks total, 17 are done, and 10 are either 3 In progress, and 7 To Do currently. It is showing 15. It is also skipping days on the time axis. So any help would be appreciated.

My settings are as follows:


project = WC and Sprint in openSprints() and type = Sub-task and status was in ('To Do', 'Done')

Comments (2)

  1. boydo repo owner

    @Rodney Foley Not sure but I think you want … status was in ('To Do', ‘In Progress’)

  2. Rodney Foley reporter

    Replaced or in addition to and or’d? The goal is a sub-task burn down. So as tasks are moved to done from any status they trigger the line to drop on the day it was closed.

    The X-axis should total sub-tasks for active sprint regardless of status. If you noticed that was one of the issues I pointed out is it should have 27 as the max for the X-Axis and then burn down as sub-tasks are closed.

    So I need the ability to set the X-Axis max, while also having the ability to state how the line moved from the X along the Y axis.

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