All JavaScript Chart for JIRA Cloud are Not Loading

Issue #98 resolved
Joe Mabus created an issue

None of the Widgets for JavaScript Chart for JIRA Cloud will load on my dashboards, behavior is the same for 4 separate widgets across 4 boards. Panel loads empty and never displays results

Comments (9)

  1. boydo repo owner

    @{5b622e38a3f8512ca5eb5705} I’m not seeing any issues on any of my test sites, and I’ve had no other customer reports of this.
    I’m wondering if the issue is related to your site only? (it wouldn’t be the first time)
    Can you confirm if the issue is still on-going, and if so, raise an issue at

  2. boydo repo owner

    Hmmm If you know how, could you let me know if there are any console errors in the Chrome dev tools console?
    I’m also wondering if any of the queries include usernames?
    I know there are some changes Atlassian are making around GDPR and username / display names in JQL queries …

  3. Bobby Dhami

    Hi, above is the error I am seeing in the dev tool console. There are no usernames in my queries just the number of requests created per month.

    Thanks Bobby

  4. boydo repo owner

    Thanks for the fast response. Is it possible that the Chart Dates are linked to an active sprint, but no sprint is currently active?

  5. Joe Mabus Account Deactivated reporter

    Issue is still persisting, and no usernames are in the queries, only statuses and story points for the day of the week. I have a similar chart using the same macro that DOES NOT calculate points in a sprint that works fine. That is just a simple burndown chart of story points over time. 

    Maybe something to do with the configuration in the widget with regard to sprints?

  6. Joe Mabus Account Deactivated reporter

    Issue is still persisting, and no usernames are in the queries, only statuses and story points for the day of the week. I have a similar chart using the same macro that DOES NOT calculate points in a sprint that works fine. That is just a simple burndown chart of story points over time.

    Maybe something to do with the configuration in the widget with regard to sprints?

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