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javascript-charts-for-jira-cloud / Dataset Options

Dataset Options

Average per issue

Default Value: false - y-axis value will not be averaged per issue

You can divide the y-axis value by the number of issues found


Default Value: none

Defines which axis a label or gridline is associated with. Only applies when the dataset type is set to 'gridline'


  • X
  • Y

Connect Gaps

Default Value: false - When no issues are found, a 0 y-value is included in the dataset

When set to true, a null value is added to the dataset and the chart will join the gap


  • true
  • false

Time Series Field

Default Value: none

While the y-axis of each graph shows the count of issues returned from the JQL query, each issue needs to be mapped to a point on the x-axis (time). But the time value for each issue could be different. So, when configuring the chart it is necessary to define which date/time you want to use when graphing the issue count. For example, in the JIRA instance I use, each issue is associated with the following dates and times:


  • Created
  • Resolved
  • Updated
  • Due Date
  • Last Viewed
  • etc ...
  • None (graph total issues returned) - This one is a bit tricky. It is here to allow you to do historical queries of JIRA issues. For example, if you wanted to know how many issues were in an Open state each week, then this is the option you need. Selecting this option requires you to write the JQL query carefully.


Filter issues via JQL query

This is where you can define a custom query to determine which issues will be included in the chart. If you have never searched JIRA using a JQL query before, please read this guide before continuing.

Pro-tip: When building a chart it is advantageous to have another browser tab open with the JIRA Issue Search page where you can verify that your JQL query is returning the issues you expect

In general, the JQL you enter here is fairly straighforward. For example if you want to graph the number of issues created each month in multiple projects you can do:

project in (X, Y, Z)

where X,Y,Z are the project keys

For the Time Series option mentioned above: None (graph total issues returned) The JQL query is repeated once for each time period on the chart and the number of issues returned is graphed, rather than using a specific time series field (eg. created date) from each issue for the chart. This option is useful for showing the total number of issues growing or shrinking over time. The add-on will append DURING (X,Y) to the JQL query in the background, substituting X and Y for each period of the chart. This means that the JQL must be written in the past tense.

project in (X, Y, Z) and status was "To Do"

resolution changed to "Fixed" by currentUser()

project = PWC AND status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Resolved" BY jsmith

Please see the section JQL-based archeology with history operators from this blog, for a way better explanation. Please note again, that the DURING (X, Y) part of the query is added by this add-on automatically, but if you are validating your query in the JIRA Issue Search page, you will need to add it yourself.

The same applies to the specifiers $BEGIN and $END which are replaced with the start and end of the time period, and which can be used for further filtering of issues project = PWC AND created <= $END


  • jql [string][3] (max length=1024)

Set dataset color

Default Value: none - color will be chosen automatically

You can define permanent colors for each dataset. These will be maintained between chart views.


Default Value: none

Defines the text displayed for a gridline label on the chart. Only visible when the dataset type is set to 'gridline'


  • label [string][3] maximum length of 32 chars

Line width

Default Value: 1

Defines the line width used on the chart. Only applies when the dataset type is set to 'line'


  • width [number][4] width in px (min: 1, max 10)

Data set name

Default Value: none

Defines the name of the dataset, which will be displayed on the chart legend


  • name [string][3] Name of the dataset (max length: 40 chars)


Default Value: line


  • line
  • bar
  • area
  • spline
  • gridline This is used to add a label to a specific point on a chart axis


Default Value: none

The axis value at which to place a gridline label.

If the Axis value is 'X' the label must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM.

If the Axis value is 'Y' the label must be a number


  • label [string][3] (max length=16 chars)

Y scaling factor

Default Value: 1

Some values in Jira are stored as seconds. This field allows division of the Y axis by a scaling factor. eg. To convert seconds to mins = 60


  • factor [number][4] value to divide by (min: 1)

Y axis

Default Value: Issue Count

What value to use for the y-axis for this dataset.


  • Issue Count
  • Story Points sums the story points for all issues found
  • etc ...

[3]: Objects/String

[4]: Objects/Number
