Unused Imports in TOOLS/bp

Issue #59 closed
Yadullah Duman created an issue

After cloning the repository and running "sbt compile" in "TOOLS/bp" the compilation fails due to unused imports (getting 179 errors). I saw a commit fixing this problem, but somehow it still exists after cloning.

Comments (4)

  1. Yadullah Duman reporter

    I did not notice, that the fixing commit was on the develop-branch. Meaning after a merge, it should not appear any more.

  2. Michael Eichberg repo owner

    I've just checked everything and Master and also Develop are currently building correctly.

    However, after pulling a new version it is strictly necessary to perform the following steps in the following order: (1) In the OPAL folder:

    OPAL$ sbt clean cleanFiles cleanCache cleanLocal eclipse copyResources it:compile test:compile unidoc publishLocal

    (2) in the BugPicker folder:

    OPAL/TOOLS/bp $ sbt clean cleanFiles compile eclipse

    (Basically, you have to ensure that the correct OPAL libraries are used. You can check this by, e.g., checking in Eclipse that the referenced libraries contain ".../.ivy2/local/.. in their paths.)

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