Setting the log level for a Project doesn't supress all log messages

Issue #78 resolved
Andreas M created an issue

When creating a Project and passing an OPALLogger instance, it doesn't filter all messages.


val l = new ConsoleOPALLogger(true, Error)
val p = Project(new"/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_92.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/"), l)

In particular, the following messages still appear even if the minLogLevel is set to Error:

[info][project configuration] information about synthesized class files is removed
[info][project configuration] Java 8 lambda expressions are rewritten
[info][project configuration] Java 8 lambda expressions rewrites are not logged
[info][project configuration] information about synthesized class files is removed
[info][project configuration] Java 8 lambda expressions are rewritten
[info][project configuration] Java 8 lambda expressions rewrites are not logged
[warn][OPAL] the property org.opalj.threads.CPUBoundTasks is unspecified
[info][OPAL] using 4 thread(s) for CPU bound tasks (can be changed by setting the system property org.opalj.threads.CPUBoundTasks; the number should be equal to the number of physical  not hyperthreaded  cores)
[warn][OPAL] the property org.opalj.threads.IOBoundTasks is unspecified
[info][OPAL] using at most 8 thread(s) for IO bound tasks (can be changed by setting the system property org.opalj.threads.IOBoundTasks; the number should be betweeen 1 and 2 times the number of (hyperthreaded) cores)

Comments (7)

  1. Andreas M reporter

    I have added a workaround by updating the global logger: OPALLogger.updateLogger(GlobalLogContext, new ConsoleOPALLogger(true, Error))

  2. Michael Reif

    That is exactly was has been done in the stackoverflow post. I would be glad about an upvote ;-)

  3. Michael Eichberg repo owner
    • edited description
    • changed status to resolved

    I've decided to close this issue, because we currently always have to Loggers - one for project specific issues and one for general - project independent - issues. Hence, if we want to suppress all warnings, both loggers have to configured and how to do this is now documented by this thread and also the Stackoverflow Post.

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