DRM problem with Channel 9

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

I upgraded to the version with livestreamer a week or two ago and everything worked. However sometime last week I noticed the following A TS file is successfully downloaded, however avconv is failing with a lot of messages.

[NULL @ 0x7ff84882fe00] Multiple RDBs per frame with CRC is not implemented. Upd ate your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented. Failed to open bitstream filter aac_adtstoasc for stream 0 with codec copy: Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome [mp4 @ 0x7ff84882ec00] aac bitstream error av_interleaved_write_frame(): Cannot allocate memory [mp4 @ 0x7ff84882ec00] aac bitstream error

The TS file will play perfectly for about 10 seconds and then halts. The MP4 file that was generated also fails.

This is under OSX, but I have similar problem under Ubuntu LInux 15.04

Comments (3)

  1. delx repo owner

    I've changed the code so that it will detect these problems and return with an error instead of producing a bad video file.

    Unfortunately I don't have any way to break this DRM at the moment.

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