Conversion from .ts to .mp4 introducing pauses.

Issue #10 resolved
Robert Harvey created an issue

This is possibly more related to acconv than the script - but recently the iView grabber started inserting pauses into the final file.

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and everything is up to date.

The output I see when the conversion happens is this:

avconv version 9.16-6:9.16-0ubuntu0.14.04.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the Libav developers
  built on Aug 10 2014 18:16:02 with gcc 4.8 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
[h264 @ 0xa6b500] non-existing SPS 0 referenced in buffering period
[h264 @ 0xa6b500] non-existing SPS 32 referenced in buffering period
[h264 @ 0xa6b500] non-existing SPS 0 referenced in buffering period
[h264 @ 0xa6b500] non-existing SPS 32 referenced in buffering period
[mpegts @ 0xa66020] max_analyze_duration reached
[NULL @ 0xa6dd20] start time is not set in estimate_timings_from_pts

Comments (3)

  1. delx repo owner

    Can you try with a newer version of libav-tools? Or possibly with ffmpeg instead? I'm using ffmpeg 2.5 from Arch Linux without any trouble. I've also had success with libav 10.5.

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