Docker container / image

Issue #112 new
Troy Astle created an issue

Hi, I’ve been using your code for a while and I maintain a Docker container image to make it easier for me to run:

Would you be interested in me PRing the Dockerfile into your repo and helping setup automated image builds?
This would prevent me from having up update my repo as you push new commits?

Comments (2)

  1. Troy Astle reporter

    This might also help with the other issue logged about OSX.
    I run Webdl on OSX in docker.
    I’d never considered running it outside a container, what a pain, Python is dependency hell on OSX.

  2. Tim Cinel

    I’d like to see this in the repo as well, I also maintain an image for webdl.


    1. Install docker
    2. Run docker run ...

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