Current status of webdl?

Issue #123 resolved
Caiatris created an issue

Please forgive me for creating an issue for this - I’d be happy to communicate some other way if I knew what that way was.

Is webdl still working for others? Myself, I can use it to download ABC shows, but it fails for SBS and channel 10, and I’m trying to get that working. I’ve looked into the problem a bit (for channel 10), and streamlink seems to be given a dodgy URL to DL.

I’m running this on a pretty old Debian installation (Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19)), and I’d be willing to reinstall with something else if that were likely to help. Any recommendations?

Comments (5)

  1. Caiatris reporter

    I should add that this is running on a VPS hosted by Vultr. I don’t know what ISP they use. They say that the VPS is hosted in Sydney.

  2. Caiatris reporter

    Can anyone help me with this, please? I’ve reinstalled with Ubuntu 22.04, but same issues.

    If anyone could give me an example of an OS or SW versions where they have webdl working for SBS/10play I’d appreciate it.

  3. Trade Surplus

    I’m using Kubuntu 22.10 and webdl is working for me for ABC, SBS and Ten but I’ve had to make the changes identified in issues 120 and 124 for it to work properly.

  4. Caiatris reporter

    Thanks for your advice, TS. I’ve moved my installation to another host, and everything is working. I can only assume that the VPS I was using was geographically not considered Australian.

    I’ve installed those 2 fixes too.

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