not all SBS programs downloadable

Issue #24 resolved
Nono Yes created an issue

...would have classified as 'info' type if that issue kind were available.

Love the new webdl changes & it's great to have SBS working again. While other programs download fine, had one in particular rejected by livestreamer. I'm running a debian jessie setup & am pretty sure I have all the suggested packages installed.

INFO Downloading: Byzantium The Tale Of Three Cities S1 Ep2 - From Constantinople To Istanbul.ts
error: No plugin can handle URL:,1500,1000,512,128,K.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=st=1439003925~exp=1439021955~acl=/*~hmac=c54d4e398b713977d980ef00006aeacfe846882a8cf0682cc1a6063196aab718&__b__=1000&b=0-2000&__a__=off
ERROR livestreamer exited with error code: 1
Press return to continue...

...actually, by way of enhancement, would be nice to have the option to select the lower resolution downloads for those programs you want to watch but not necessarily 'keepers'. (I know I've raised two issues within one ticket ...bad practice)

Comments (2)

  1. Nono Yes reporter

    ...just had an additional thought - have also disabled the graphics hardware acceleration because of issues with random screen freezes on this computer - will try again at some point with that turned back on. Could easily be a factor, I've noticed SMPlayer refuses to work in my current configuration, though VLC is ok (if very slow). So no urgency, especially if you can't replicate the problem.

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