SBS conversion from .ts to .mp4 stops audio.

Issue #29 resolved
James Rudd created an issue

I am finding that when a downloaded SBS .ts file is automatically converted to .mp4 it is unable to play the audio track. If I make a hardlink of the .ts file before it is deleted I can play that and the audio is fine. If I play the converted .mp4 file although it shows the Audio track in Codec info, there is only silence.

I tested downloading from Ten and Nine and the .mp4 files produced both had working audio.

Log file attached.

The only difference I could see was the SBS conversion gives a NULL warning: [NULL @ 0xd78d80] start time is not set in estimate_timings_from_pts and there is a 3rd data stream Stream #0.2[0x102]: Data: [21][0][0][0] / 0x0015


Thanks for this great script.

Comments (3)

  1. James Rudd reporter

    Not sure what caused this problem. I upgraded to Ubuntu 15.10, reinstalled the ffmpeg package and it seems to be encoding SBS audio correctly now.

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