Unable to download ABC

Issue #35 invalid
Angus Bullough created an issue

Updated python, livestreamer, pycrypto & lxml.. still doesn't run..

INFO Downloading: Hoot Hoot Go! Boo Day.ts
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://http://iviewmetered-vh.akamaihd.net/i/playback/_definst_/_video/kids_hoothootgo_01_25_,650000,500000,220000,60000,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=st=1463394315~exp=1463404314~acl=/*~hmac=9c77b7f7082e95b035c45df189f361cf5252b5236a1215a7d3537850274638bb
error: Unable to open URL: http://iviewmetered-vh.akamaihd.net/i/playback/_definst_/_video/kids_hoothootgo_01_25_,650000,500000,220000,60000,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=st=1463394315~exp=1463404314~acl=/*~hmac=9c77b7f7082e95b035c45df189f361cf5252b5236a1215a7d3537850274638bb (403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: http://iviewmetered-vh.akamaihd.net/i/playback/_definst_/_video/kids_hoothootgo_01_25_,650000,500000,220000,60000,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8?hdnea=st=1463394315~exp=1463404314~acl=/*~hmac=9c77b7f7082e95b035c45df189f361cf5252b5236a1215a7d3537850274638bb)
ERROR livestreamer exited with error code: 1
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Comments (5)

  1. delx repo owner
    • edited description

    Sorry I cannot reproduce this. It works fine for me with two different ISPs, one with metered and one with unmereted iView. I tested it with both Python 2 and 3.

    What OS are you using? Can you try it on a Linux machine?

    Maybe it was just a temporary issue.

  2. Angus Bullough reporter

    running this on OSX, which I know is untested, but just stopped working one day for no apparent reason.. will setup a linux VM and try it through there..

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