Updating problem

Issue #48 resolved
µ created an issue

This is not a problem with the program, but probably with bitbucket. I’ve done a little searching but I’ve not found an answer (I’m also somewhat clueless about this).

I originally installed web-dl using hg clone https://bitbucket.org/delx/webdl but this no longer works—I get a 404 error.

$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/delx/webdl
abort: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

This happens on two different machines (same network/ext IP) running Ubuntu 14.04 + Mercurial 2.8.2 & Ubuntu 16.04 + Mercurial 3.7.3.

Obviously I have no problem accessing the site using a web browser & I can manually download so this is not fatal.

Comments (3)

  1. delx repo owner


    This isn't a problem with Bitbucket. I switched the repository to Git on 2016-07-31 last year.

    I forgot to update the README. I've done that now. Thanks :)

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