file naming suitable for kodi

Issue #58 closed
Jason Lewis created an issue

I've noticed that Peppa Pig doesn't get added to kodi after downloading because the files are not named according how kodi likes them.

I get errors like this in Kodi which i believe is due to the naming scheme.

14:30:13.947 T:1724982176 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file nfs:// TV/Peppa Pig/Peppa Pig The Baby Piggy.mp4

Is there a way to get webdl to rename the files to something like:

Peppa Pig/Series 2/S02E08 The Time Capsule.mp4

or some other solution to the problem maybe?

Comments (4)

  1. delx repo owner

    Sorry, there's not really anything I can do here. ABC iView just doesn't provide good naming data. There's no season/episode metadata at all, sometimes it's included in the title as text, but often it isn't.

  2. Jason Lewis reporter

    Thanks for getting back to me about it.

    I found an alternative approach which I share in case anyone else might find it useful.

    There is a program called filebot that is capable of renaming the files to something suitable for Kodi.

    the trick I use is to use webdl to download the shows to one directory and then soft or hard link the shows to a different directory that is shared with kodi. This way I don't have to worry about webdl getting confused with shows being renamed.

    I use hard links because nfs doesn't follow symlinks and it just worked out better for me that way but soft links would be fine too i imagine.

    this is my Peppa Pig recipe:

    /usr/bin/filebot -non-strict --db TheTVDB --q "Peppa Pig" -rename Peppa\ Pig\ *.mp4 --format "/myth/video/Kids TV/{n}/Season {s}/{n} - S{s.pad(2)}E{e.pad(2)} - {t}" --action hardlink

    I also had to add the -non-strick option to get it to work reliably.

    I run it from a cron job once a day after the webdl run.

    It works well for Ben and Holly's little kingdom too but not so well for Playschool, which doesn't seem to have seasons in the same way these other shows to.

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