SBS On Demand, Error: "IndexError: list index out of range"

Issue #64 duplicate
Former user created an issue

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 55, in <module>
  File "./", line 48, in main
    if not
  File "/home/ada/webdl/", line 29, in download
    video = doc.xpath("//smil:video", namespaces=NS)[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

most of the time when trying to download Snow Monkey by George Gittoes.

I'm using OpenVPN on Ubuntu 16.04 to route my connection to Canberra as I'm not currentlly residing in Aus. Tried turning it off but then I get the unauthorized connection error instead.

Tried some other downloads and they work fine, somehow got a different list entry number in the cli list for the doco I was trying to d/l once (1058 instead of 1060) and it downloaded the first 40 minutes of a 2.5h doco feature (maybe due to an "ad-break" in the stream?).

In trying to replicate the partially working d/l

./ 1. Blargh ->2. SBS 3. Poo

  1. Program -> 2. Genre
  2. Channel

  1. Crap
  2. Mind-numbing goo -> 3. Documentary
  3. And so on...

  1. A
  2. Bloody
  3. Long list of documentaries. ...
  4. Snow Monkey

always gives me the film I'm trying to d/l at #1060 which gives me the error above. When it did work for part of the film it was listed as #1058.

Tried downloading random films from the same list both at lower #s and higher #s have worked, and looking at the script at the lines referred in the error code traceback doesn't do much for me as I'm more of a power-user than coder.

I've grabbed all the dependencies, the partially downloaded file works etc. I tried running it as sudo and root (both which gave me a livestreamer error not to do so) as well as in a virtualenv and not, both with the same error message as above.

Plz help =^^=

Comments (2)

  1. delx repo owner

    Please don't run it as root! :)

    I've no idea what causes this and I haven't been able to reproduce it myself. From the error it seems like SBS is just not sending the video information.

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