No sound on SBS downloads

Issue #71 resolved
m4rk4ybb created an issue

Or to be precise no sound on the .mp4. The .ts has sound. What's even odder is that if I convert the .ts to .mp4 manually afterwards (by arranging for grabber to pick up a dummy avconv that just echos its arguments, and then using theoretically the same command from the shell) the .mp4 is fine, sound and all.

This is Ubuntu 14.04, avconv 11.3-6:11.3-1~trusty, running

/usr/bin/avconv -i xxx.ts -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -acodec copy -vcodec copy -y xxx.mp4

Comments (6)

  1. m4rk4ybb reporter

    Update: doing the conversion manually also loses the sound. Well at least that's consistent. However I experimented a bit and simply dropping the -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc (i.e. effectively just do a straight copy I presume) fixes the problem. Maybe this is HW/OS-dependent?

  2. delx repo owner

    I've found it works fine with ffmpeg, can you test there?

    The aac_adtstoasc filter seems to be necessary for the files to play properly in many players. According to the ffmpeg docs it is necessary when converting from .ts to .mp4, which is what webdl does.

  3. m4rk4ybb reporter

    Actually, no I can't try ffmpeg, alas. Apparently they withdrew it for Ubuntu 14.04 (and brought it back later. What's that you say, upgrade? Well, yes, I will when I've bought a new laptop with enough cpu power.) I have ffmpeg on a Windows 7 box but I've failed miserably to get webdl to play nicely there.

    Incidentally (and perhaps irrelevantly) AAC seems to be what my PVR needs. And the unfiltered AAC mp4 files from SBS play fine in mplayer or vlc on Ubuntu.

    My brain turns to mush contemplating the various video/audio formats and headers, so I'll stick with what works for me and make a note about it for next time I upgrade webdl. I don't think there's much you can do here, and I have the plausible (for me) workround.

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