Channel 10 not working

Issue #73 resolved
Tyler Durden created an issue

Trying to grab shows from 10 but when I choose choice 4)Ten It gives this error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 55, in <module> main() File "", line 35, in main for n in node.get_children(): File "c:\webdl\", line 52, in get_children self.fill_children() File "c:\webdl\", line 88, in fill_children items = page["items"] KeyError: 'items'

Comments (15)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I see the same error. I tried a new install of webdl but still see the same error.

    I am running fully up to date version of Debian unstable.

  2. pawD

    The token seems revoked again. Anyone managed to grab the new one?

    Here is the return page: {'code': 210, 'error': 'invalid token'}

  3. Tyler Durden reporter


    How did you get that return code to show?

    BTW what is the token and how grab/insert new ones into the code?

  4. pawD

    I assumed that you know Python. Add the print command with argument page just before the error line 88 and hence the output. Token is used by the provider (Brightcove for this case) it identified the content owner (Ten is this case). The source program listed the token in use but I am not able to extract it by myself.

  5. Tyler Durden reporter

    @pawD i do know a bit of python to use this script etc.. but i don't understand how to do what you are saying..

    can you give me more detailed instructions how to do it and give me the full commandline that I need to type to get the error code?

    Am I suppose to add that print command inside the file or just type it in the command line?

    So the token is just a way for the script to fool brightcove (the streaming provider) that this script is Channel 10 and it can serve the content instead of requiring the browser Channel 10 website?

    If the token is not valid, does that mean channel 10 has caught on to this script so they changed it?

  6. pawD

    @madmax3 Yes, just add the line 'print ("Result: %s" % page)' before the error line# 88 in the so it print the return page before the exception. Needless to say you better backup the original source just in case.

    Think so even I am not good in this new language (Python) for me.

    I am not sure but this is common practice like SSL for website to refresh with a new certificate. Hence, I will assume not.

  7. delx repo owner

    I finally had some time to work on this. I've completely reimplemented Channel 10 using a few ideas from Kodi plugin.

    It seems to work ok.

  8. Tyler Durden reporter

    @delx Is it possible to update to the newer version or do I need to install the newer webdl again?

    what is the method/command line to update to the latest version with the fix?

    can you add this update command to the installation tutorial page so others can update the new fixes without doing a new installation ?

  9. Tyler Durden reporter


    Can you tell us how you fixed this issue?

    Did you get a new token?

    What kodi plugin? I want to test this in Kodi as well

  10. delx repo owner

    @madmax3 you can see the code change in commit 4f27bbc436e58723d0d1791586e0b7dc3019b45e

    I couldn't find another token unfortunately, so I had to rewrite it to use the Brightcove proxy which Channel 10 exposes for their Android app. This is a similar approach to the Kodi plugin, which is where I got the idea.

    You can see the Kodi addons here:

  11. Tyler Durden reporter


    What about my question about updating to the newer version vs reinstall it again?

    Is there some sort of command that can be issue to grab the newer version? or do I need go through the entire installation process again?

  12. delx repo owner

    @madmax3 you can run git pull --ff-only to update to the latest version. I've added this to the README.

  13. Tyler Durden reporter

    @delx Get error when trying that command. I think you need an over write command

    C:\webdl>git pull --ff-only remote: Counting objects: 12, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done. remote: Total 12 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (12/12), done. From 9832f6d..59de6a1 master -> origin/master error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: requirements.txt Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge. Aborting Updating 9832f6d..59de6a1

  14. delx repo owner

    Sorry, but git can be quite complex to operate if you are new to it. I can't really give you step by step instructions without risking you losing data. If you really don't care about any local changes you may have made you can go ahead and run git reset --hard to blow them away.

    You should probably read the docs on

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