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Issue #92 open
Bernmeister created an issue

Would be handy to show a list of all shows (for SBS in particular but each station would be great) whereby all shows are listed in release date order. This way I can see what new shows are available; I find that I miss things because I did not see in the guide and only catch the ending on TV.

Comments (3)

  1. delx repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I could see this being useful. Do you have any good ideas of how to integrate it into the UI?

  2. Bernmeister reporter

    I actually tried to implement this many months ago but got stuck. I’ll see if I still have the code and make it available. What I started with is the SBS script and took the code for showing All Programs (I think from memory option 3 once in the SBS menu) and then once the result set was obtained, sorted it by date. I think I got stuck then by trying to integrate back into the menu system (I could figure out how to add a new item)…but my memory is fuzzy about this.

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