enhancing webdl by implementing a delx/webdl wrapper

Issue #98 open
f ute created an issue

This is not an issue.

I’ve uploaded a project to https://bitbucket.org/fordute37/webdl_fu that might be useful to some people here. It is an example of how to implement personal enhancements to webdl while leaving the original webdl code intact.

It mainly works with the autograbber script and implements caption downloading and exclude shows among other things.

Comments (6)

  1. delx repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I can't promise to keep compatibility, but let me know if there are some hooks I could add to make things simpler. Maybe raise a PR? :)

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Many thanks for this. I can now stop hacking delx's great code and almost remove all the bash scripts I've written to run autograbber, rename the files afterwards and convert all the caption file formats to .srt. Bonus is that I'm grabbing all the vids, which I wasn't doing with my convoluted hacks.
    I haven't had a chance to give it a good test (still downloading everything I've been missing lately!) but I have a couple of questions:
    - Previously when I renamed the files I added the quality setting to the filename, eg. Program S01E04 [720p].mp4. Do you have a good way of doing that or should I stick with my bash script?
    - Sometimes the captions aren't available when the .ts is downloaded - they may take a day or so to arrive; or I may only have the .mp4 if it's an old recording. Is there a way to check for/download only captions, not vids?

  3. f ute reporter

    Thanks for your interest!

    Is there a way to check for/download only captions, not vids?

    There is a way to download captions but it is hardcoded into the script because I only used it to download all the subtitles available rather than subtitles for a particular program or episode. I think implementing a feature like that would be more trouble than it is worth because you would have to specify the program that you wanted the subtitles for as well. It could work for grabber, I guess, but I haven’t tested my wrappers with grabber, only autograbber. In order to make a command line switch for the captions you would need to parse arguments. This isn’t implemented yet in webdl so I use existing files to hack the information into the application (history.txt and patterns.txt). I wrote the wrappers before delx had implemented the excludes.txt functionality and haven’t updated my work since the latest updates from webdl. The alternative would be to put a switch into the history/patterns.txt

    Rename files: I think it would be easier to stick with your bash scripts for now. I haven’t looked at it recently but it probably would require passing the quality to the function that creates the name and would depend on availabilty of the information.

    If you have requests or more comments then please leave them on the wrapper site rather than webdl. Otherwise I probably won’t keep track of the conversation 😉

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi, can’t find our continued conversation on your wrapper site, but I’ve gone back to Delx’s code after reading his comments. Now that I’m a bit more familiar with Python, changes using his source code are very straight-forward and clean and it means I’ll continue with my Captions PR and I don’t have to bug you any more!

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