Adding hours

Issue #98 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am having issues when trying to add hours

Comments (3)

  1. Ceri Turner repo owner

    If you are reporting a bug please include the following information: The device you are using Screenshots Instructions on how you encountered the bug A way to contact you The more information you can provide the easier it will be to reproduce and fix. If these details aren’t provided then I will have no choice but to close the issue

  2. Brayneache

    Version: 1.10.2 Build: 2595 Device: iPhone 6 iOS Version: 12.4.4


    I sent you an email previously regarding adding hours spent working on a project. Please can you add a different system for this perhaps a stopwatch option? For me, I select add hours go off to work on DP by the time I come back to adding hours it’s showing me the current time to start again. So the time I just sent is not recorded 😔. Perhaps I’m using it wrong (that’s what my original email was asking you, how to use the adding hours) but the only reason I bought this app was to be able to document my time spent on a DP. Please can you get back to me? Thank You for your time in advance.

    Sent by Pigeon 🐦

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