apps tracker didn't track until I stop/start the tracking

Issue #21 new
Omer P created an issue


Today I noticed that at some point there was no logging. Only after I stopped the app. logging (lower left corner where it says 'tracking in progress...') and than started again, logging resumes.

Before I clicked the stop the application was showing 'tracking in progress' like everything is OK.

Is there any way to see what happened and why logging has stopped ?

Thank you, Omer.

Comments (6)

  1. Omer P reporter


    It seems that the app. again stopped tracking :(

    It happen after Windows 7 had one update and than I had to restart. Since the computer restarted, apps tracker stopped tracking. Still, it shows "tracking in progress..." though everything stopped at 08:36:35 this morning...

    Again, I stopped/started tracking and it added the "USER IDLE" message like I wasn't in front of the PC all that time (until 12:30~). Only now it will continue to log...

    Thank you, Omer.


  2. Omer P reporter

    and again just minutes later yesterday. After logging started at 12:31 it stopped again 5 minutes later..

    why this happens ? i was sure I found a good solution for my needs.... :(



  3. Marko Devcic repo owner

    I see that you went into Idle (no mouse moved or key pressed), can you maybe turn of this option from the settings (enable idle logging)?

  4. Omer P reporter


    The point is that I was working all day on the computer..until 18:00. There is no way nothing moved until 18:00.

    the same behavior was earlier same morning: I come to the office around 08:30, login, open e-mails etc. I sit infront of the PC almost all day.

    There is a small utility called "insomnia" which prevent the PC from going to sleep. I don't know if this can cause any problem with the software. Anyway, everything else works fine and I was working with various applications all day.

    I'll try to disable the idle option in apps tracker and see what happen.

    Thank you, Omer.

  5. Omer P reporter


    Just to update that since I reported this issue and stopped the idle logging, I don't' see this problem anymore.

    There is probably something with the tracking of inactivity time that causes this...

    Thank you, Omer.

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