Allow for discover services available of a single technology

Issue #2 resolved
Otavio Salvador created an issue

For some type of user interface we might need to be able to have different set of information available so we have the need freedom to make easy to use interfaces.

We are converting an existent configuration tool for qconnman and we have this exact need. We need to be able to use the services, of one specific technology.

Comments (3)

  1. Otavio Salvador reporter
    • changed status to open

    This doesn't allow us to provide an UI which manages services only and show them as EConnMan (the Enlightment Connman manager).

  2. Matt Broadstone

    As the title of this issue suggests, the problem was for listing the services of a single technology. I suggest you open a new ticket for being able to generically list all services. Also, I'm not sure I see the use of seeing all services without understanding what technology they are associated with (ethernet services mixed in randomly with 20 hotspots for example), and I couldn't see that EConnMan does this, not that feature parity with EConnMan was ever a goal

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