build error on Mac OS X

Issue #16 resolved
Victor Sklyar created an issue

Comments (15)

  1. Matt Broadstone

    Can you provide more information about your build setup, or about the actual error? OSX is my main development platform, so I'm surprised to see it not building for you on it.

  2. Matt Broadstone

    can you please try to compile from the command line and give me a full log of the attempts to compile? This looks very strange. I have 5.3.2 installed so there might be an issue with 5.4 on osx but it seems highly unlikely.

  3. Alex Skorodumov

    Hi Matt,

    I have tryied to compile QJsonRPC with Qt 5.4 today and also got errors. My errors was related to the difference in localy provided qjsonvalue.h header and official one. There are new classes (e.g. QJsonValueRefPtr) in the official version of qjsonvalue.h, which is missed in local veriosn of this file. And in some tests local file is included early then offical one. After removing include directive from failed cpp file the compilation became good, but I got strange behaviuor in run-time: notifications do not reach clients. I will try to dig more a bit later. Build with Qt 5.3.2 is Ok.

    I am using MSVC2013.

    May be this inforamation is related to Victor's case.


  4. Victor Sklyar reporter

    I forget to say - I have success builds under ubuntu 14.10 x64 and win 8 x64 (qt 5.4)

  5. Matt Broadstone

    This should be fixed with: 09b4ba8, sort of. It still seems that you guys in 5.4 are somehow linking in the included json classes, which is incorrect, so if one of you could do what I asked above and tell me what QT_MAJOR_VERSION is reporting as I'd appreciate it. It's unlikely I'll be updating to 5.4 even this week as I am swamped with work.

    The changes included in the above commit should fix all the issues caused by the changes in the QJson classes in 5.4 though.

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