About build and install

Issue #26 new
Former user created an issue

os is win.

  1. when I builded src,and install I find that the dll will copy to lib's dir copy /y qjsonrpc1.lib C:\Qt\msvc_32\5.6\msvc2015\lib\qjsonrpc1.lib 已复制 1 个文件。 copy /y qjsonrpc1.dll C:\Qt\msvc_32\5.6\msvc2015\lib\qjsonrpc1.dll 已复制 1 个文件。

  2. after I copy the dll file to the right dir(bin)

How to use the library in a new project? I modify the test,but there are some errors.

Comments (3)

  1. Matt Broadstone

    You'd have to show me the contents of your .pro file, as well as what errors you are actually receiving. The examples in the manual tests should serve as enough of an example of how to link to the library?

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