QJsonRpcTcpServer::listen crash in release build

Issue #29 resolved
Damien Lefevre created an issue

QJsonRpcTcpServer behave well with debug builds.

With release builds, QJsonRpcTcpServer::listen crashes the application.

Steps to reproduce: * Built with Qt 5.6.0 x64 MSVC2013 Release project * execute tcpserver test project from tests/manual

From the same project I replaced QJsonRpcTcpServer by QTcpServer, commented out the special code and the test application starts.

I did not see any obvious design issue with QJsonRpcTcpServer class. I'll keep looking.

Comments (1)

  1. Damien Lefevre reporter

    I had an old copy of QJsonRpc libs installed in my Qt folder getting linked instead the one I was buliding.

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