Compiling with Qt 5.0.x or 5.1.x

Issue #9 resolved
Alexandros Dermenakis created an issue

QJsonValue has no member function toInt() in Qt 5.0.x and 5.1.x, making the library non compilable if linking against Qt 5.2.

A Workaround I found would be to add an ifdef with the Qt version at the places where toInt() is used. for the case that we have Qt 5.0.x or Qt 5.1.x we convert to QVariant the QJsonValue and then we get from there the integer value.

Comments (2)

  1. Matt Broadstone

    thanks for the tip, there were a few other build errors. I built it on qt 5.0.2 (ubuntu 13.10) and committed the fixes, please let me know if you experience any other issues

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