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Z2Randomizer / Thanks

Pre-Version 4.0:

First, I'd like to thank Fred Coughlin for creating the Zelda Randomizer. His work is what inspired me to start this project, and he has been a great source of advice throughout this entire process.

There were a lot of people who helped with beta testing - putting up with game breaking bugs and seeds that weren't even beatable. Thank you so much JamEvil, Eunos, Breastickle, Jaylow7, Sheepno1, GTM604, xJohnWaynex, Cantoutfapme, Skavenger216, kingdahl, ShinerCCC, imchrisluke, zoeni, mrgiggums, mpaintrain, LoudGoat and others who I surely have forgotten (I'm sorry!). Without you, this randomizer would not be what it is today.

Version 4.0

Special thanks go out to the participants in the first ever Zelda 2 Roomjam:

GTM604 eonhck link_7777 aaron2u2 DusterW Scorpion__Max TKnightCrawler

Thanks also go out to the beta testers, of which there are unfortunately too many to name here. I could not have done this without the help of the Zelda 2 community, for which I am very grateful.

Finally, thank YOU for your interest. I made this out of love for Zelda II, and the Zelda II community has been awesome to be a part of.
