help please

Issue #1005 new
Khadijatou Diakite created an issue

hello, I tried to assemble patterns on my pattern sheet, and I am definitely blocked, sorry for the translation, I am French-speaking, I therefore ask you to help me so that I can find my work, being a beginner I I spent a lot of time on it.

Comments (6)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Hello. Sorry, but i do not understand your question. Send me both french and english text.

  2. Khadijatou Diakite reporter

    bonjour, j'ai essayé d'assembler des pièces de patrons dans le fichier ci-joint,valentina a buggé et je ne sais pas comment débloquer le programme je suis définitivement bloquée, je souhaite que vous m'aidiez à récupérer mon travail, étant débutante j'ai passé beaucoup de temps dessus.

    hello, i tried to assemble pattern pieces in the attached file, valentina has bugged and i don't know how to unlock the program i am definitely stuck, i want you to help me recover my work, being beginner I spent a lot of time on it.

  3. Khadijatou Diakite reporter
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