Load another measurements table - label

Issue #238 resolved
Felix Ulber created an issue

HI, in the variables table, where you actually can load a measurements table, shouldn't this actually mean "Load a different measurements table"?

Or maybe it could just be like "load a new ..." or just "Load measurements table"?

Comments (12)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I think there is a lot of the phrasing that is not quite "Correct English" (whatever that means anyway)

    Who here speaks what Native and Fluently??

  2. Felix Ulber reporter

    Hey, please, I did not mean to offend anyone or to cause a general discussion. Only in this special point I was asking if it could probably lead to misunderstandings. Probably Susan can say something about that.

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Don't worry, i just say i seek help fix all this issues. This strings wrote i, so all mistakes also my. :)

  4. Susan Spencer

    I think this issue can be closed.
    It has been superceded, and the functionality provided, by these closed issues:

    • issue #349: 'Measurements'/'Load Standard' does not use Path from 'File' / 'Preferences'
    • issue #348: 'Measurements' / 'Load Individual' does not use Path from 'File' / 'Preferences'
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