Fix double-click entry of measurement in Point from distance and angle

Issue #279 closed
Susan Spencer created an issue

In Point from Distance and Angle tool, double-clicking on a measurement doesn't add the measurement to the formula.

Comments (5)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    If dialog has two or more formulas double-click doesn't work. Program doesn't know to which field user add variable.

  2. Susan Spencer reporter

    The program doesn't allow the 1st or any measurement to be added when using this tool. The measurement has to be highlighted, then the 'finger' icon has to be clicked. In other tools the measurement can be double-clicked to add it to a formula.

    Susan Spencer Valentina Community Manager!forum/valentina-project-list!forum/valentina-project-list @ValentinaPSW!forum/valentina-project-list

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    The program doesn't allow the 1st or any measurement to be added when using this tool. The measurement has to be highlighted, then the 'finger' icon has to be clicked. In other tools the measurement can be >double-clicked to add it to a formula.

    What do you think about such use case?

    1. We have special dialog that program show if formula broken.
    2. How about show this dialog for editing formula like do most programs?
    3. In all other dialogs left only filed for formula and button Formula (f(x)) for more advanced editing.
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