Restrict Layout file format to SVG

Issue #291 resolved
Susan Spencer created an issue

Restrict the file format of the Layout file to SVG.

This keeps all elements of the drawing in the smallest file footprint, and is a non-prietary open data format, usable by both prioprietary and FOSS design tools.

This will be important when creating a workflow to interact with sewists.

The Layout utility is not intended to create the printed file.

The Export utility creates the printed file.

This is to improve Valentina's user experience and workflow.

Comments (5)

  1. Susan Spencer reporter

    The pattern process should be:

    Draw Detail Layout Export Print

    The file should be exported to a common open data format which has metadata. But if Qt can't convert SVG to EPS, then save layout to EPS.

    We'll postpone creating SVG files since we don't have that SVG to EPS conversion in Qt. SVG will be needed to implement some of the commercial features Valentina will need to send files to sewists/manufacturers.

  2. Susan Spencer reporter

    Per our email discussions, should we change this to 'Restrict Layout file format to PDF?

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