Sort the tape.exe Measurements list in alphabetical order

Issue #360 resolved
Susan Spencer created an issue

Sort the tape.exe Measurements list in alphabetical order in the Measurements tab (screenshot of tab is attached)

Also this enables the formulas to work much easier, because the formulas are affected by the order of the list.

The measurements are named so that they form logical groups. Alphabetical order helps the user find the measurement.

The feature to rearrange the measurement list should be retained, but the default order of the list should be in alphabetical order to solve usability and formula issues.

Comments (45)

  1. Susan Spencer reporter

    I thought that it took a different direction. I could've renamed the other ticket, but I thought it needed proper discussion. Close this one if you don't like it. No problem.

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    No, i changed my mind. I like this more.

    I can create special button for making sorting only names. This will change order in the file.

  3. Susan Spencer reporter

    Can alphabetic order be the initial order for a new individual measurement file?

    We're now effectively have these ways of ordering:

    • order by measurement number
    • order by measurement name
    • user defined order
    • template defined order
  4. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Can alphabetic order be the initial order for a new individual measurement file?

    No, because a new individual measurement file is empty.

    Then works user defined order.

    Order by measurement number

    This order is useless for us. You will see this order only in database window.

    template defined order

    Each template file it's just an empty measurement file.

  5. Susan Spencer reporter

    Okay then a button to sort by name. It can change the order in the file.

    So the order of elements won't affect the validation of a measurement file?

    Order is important in the <personal></personal> section, see issue #352: 'Element given-name not included in this scope' error message

  6. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Okay. A checkbox for alphabetical order would work.

    No. Not a checkbox. Button that will trigger sorting. We can't keep alphabetical order. Can just help user to make such a sorting more comfortable and quick.

    So the order of elements won't affect the validation of a measurement file?

    This order no. Because we are talking about value of the attribute name.

    Order is important in the <personal></personal> section

    The order is important almost everywhere, but this is not our case.

  7. Susan Spencer reporter

    There's a typo in the Measurements tab, you can see this in the screenshot for this issue.

    It says 'Measuremnts', should say 'Measurements'

  8. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Hm. I see more problems.

    First, what about reverse alphabetic order? Usually if you have alphabetical order you also have reverse alphabetic order.

    Second, now i see that alphabetic order in a file is a bad idea. Because a file works with english names. And all will be good if you use in Tape english translation. But what about others. German user also want have alphabetic order. But he will not, because germany translation need different order. And here we return to the start. Alphabetic order is a good idea only if we could turn of it. If we can't, it will produce more distraction than help.

  9. Susan Spencer reporter

    The measurement names refer to points on the body, not slang or sewing terms. So the translation and grouping of measurements should be consistent.

    English alphabetic order --> German translation
    height_ankle, Height: Ankle --> Höhe: Knöchel
    neck_arc_b, Neck arc (back) --> Hals Bogen (Rückseite)
    neck_arc_f, Neck arc (front) --> Hals Bogen (Vordere)
    waist_to_hip, Waist to hip --> Taille bis Hüfte
    waist_circ, Waist circumference --> Taille Umfang

    German Alphabetic order * --> English Translation*
    Hals Bogen (Rückseite) --> Neck arc (back)
    Hals Bogen (Vordere) --> Neck arc (front)
    Höhe: Knöchel --> Height: Ankle
    Taille bis Hüfte --> Waist to Hip
    Taille Umfang --> Waist circumference

    The measurements group together in alphabetic order, eg - measurements that start with neck_ are grouped together, arm_, leg_, waist_, etc. The order of the groups is not so important. This lets the user find the measurements easily.

  10. Susan Spencer reporter

    Corrected previous comment and saw my error in thinking.
    The order of 'circumference', 'front', and 'back' will change between languages, and this will affect the formulas.
    A formula that works in the English alphabetic order will generate errors other languages.

    neck_arc_f = neck_circ - neck_arc_b
    This formula requires neck_circ and neck_arc_b to precede neck_arc_f in the list.
    This will not be the case in German.

  11. Susan Spencer reporter

    We could have a 'Sort' drop down list with three selections:

    • up triangle (sort ascending order)
    • down triangle (sort descending order)
    • blank (sort is off)
  12. Susan Spencer reporter

    Sorting appears to be useful when looking for measurements in a list while creating point formulas in valentina.exe. Maybe sorting is not as useful when values are being entered and calculated in 'Measurements, Create/Edit' in tape.exe.

  13. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    No, i still think sorting is a bad idea.

    • After sorting user will lose understanding why formulas don't work. And now instead of making it easy you will explain them about "oder is important, turn off sorting and you will see".
    • Sorting conflicts with move down/up features.
    • If you want groups just make a correct template file and use each time you need a new file. No need create a file from scratch.
    • The new measurements format was designed for containing smallest possible number of measurements. Grouping it is a waste of time if you work with small numbers of measurements.
    • In case you have a big number of measurements i propose create a search field like in Qt Designer. It will works like a filter.
  14. Susan Spencer reporter

    Can the measurements be ordered in the file so that the formulas work by default?

    The user can still reorder them if they wish, with the risk that they will cause the formulas to fail if they're not careful.

  15. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Can the measurements be ordered in the file so that the formulas work by default?

    Yes, of course, but you made a list that by default have broken formulas.

    Take a look. I created new file and added all measurements from database. Some formulas are broken, and some measurements even doesn't exist.

    Please, check it again.

  16. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Search field is a good idea.

    I have an idea. Instead showing only strings that matching the search term, we can highlight cells that match search field. If add buttons "Find previous" and "Find next" search will be very quick.

    I don't want to hide strings because it will broke "Move up/down" feature. What do you think?

  17. Susan Spencer reporter

    So there are 3 ways to order the measurements:

    1st order - The measurements in the SVG drawing are ordered based on finding the measurement visually - measurement number (m_no)

    2nd order - The named measurements are ordered based on finding the measurement by reading - measurement name (m_name)

    3rd order - I didn't consider this one, based on calculating - formula number (f_no). Use this during Create/Edit.

    What do you think?

  18. Susan Spencer reporter

    I attached 3 files to show how to order the measurements to match the different ways measurements are used. The ordering isn't implemented, the screenshots are to show the 3 different functional areas which have differing order requirements.

    1. In tape.exe 'Add Known', order by measurement number (m_no). The attached screenshot is m_no__order.png
    2. In tape.exe 'Create/Edit', order by formula number (f_no). The attached screenshot is f_no__order.png - This should be the order in the measurement file.
    3. In valentina.exe when editing formulas for points, order by measurement name (m_name). The attached screenshot is m_name__order.png
  19. Susan Spencer reporter

    Another possibility, this way doesn't require a 3rd way to order the measurements.

    I can reassign the measurement numbers (m_no) and rearrange the measurement images in the SVG. The formulas will work whenever measurements are ordered by measurement number (m_no).

    tape.exe will use measurement order (m_no) - This is the order saved in measurement files. valentina.exe will use measurement name (m_name)

  20. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Another possibility, this way doesn't require a 3rd way to order the measurements. I can reassign the measurement numbers (m_no) and rearrange the measurement images in the SVG. The formulas will work whenever measurements are ordered by measurement number (m_no). tape.exe will use measurement order (m_no) - This is the order saved in measurement files. valentina.exe will use measurement name (m_name)

    You are reading my mind. :) I wanted to propose it myself.

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