From Design to Details

Issue #542 closed
Séverine Poinçon created an issue

Hello, I am wondering if there is an issue or if the function is not implemented yet. For now, when I create 1 or more "éléments de patron" in design mode, I cannot get to the "Details" part. When I try to use the details button, it gives me the message : "You cannot use the details mode now. Create at least one pattern element". (I have it in french, so I might have mistranslated the message). As there are 2 elements in my pattern file, I do not understand what I do wrong.

I join the last pattern file I created, so that if the issue is caused by the way I created my pattern you'll know.

I am using a Windows 10 PC, with 2 screens, and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti.

I hope that will help.

Comments (3)

  1. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    "You cannot use the details mode now. Create at least one pattern element"

    Looks like translation is not really correct. In original text it says "You can't use now the Detail mode. Please, create at least one workpiece."

    And this mean you should use Seam allowance tool and create at least one workpiece. Then you can go to the next stage.

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