Seam allowance, missing nodes

Issue #643 closed
Sven Jungclaus created an issue

With the new seam allowance tool, there are nodes missing... Please view the picture. In this case, it wanted to have no seam allowance at the center back of the 'Passe'. But because of some nodes are not showing, I can't tell valentina.

Screenshot 2017-03-20 08.38.25.png

Comments (6)

  1. Sven Jungclaus reporter

    Okay... sorry and thank you.

    Didn't know that I had to select the node right after the curve as well...

    Problem solved :-)

  2. Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner

    Didn't know that I had to select the node right after the curve as well...

    Only if you want to control a seam allowance. But i recommend to do it always.

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