Show all labels when opened a piece options dialog.

Issue #887 new
Roman Telezhynskyi repo owner created an issue

When a user opens a piece options dialog he cannot anymore interact with scene. In many cases only then he realizes that he needs those hidden labels to successfully debug a piece. Opening the dialog should temporary undo the Hide Label option.

Comments (4)

  1. Анастасия Рожман

    Can it be optional? I use hide label tool to only leave points I need for notches labeled, which is very useful

  2. Анастасия Рожман

    Exactly. Honestly, I don't see much use for 'hide label' in detail mode if it turns off the moment I open the options dialog

  3. Roman Telezhynskyi reporter

    Okay. Thank you for your feedback. I'll keep this in mind.

    Honestly, I don't see much use for 'hide label' in detail mode if it turns off the moment I open the options dialog

    Imagine opposite situation. You ask this and i say "i don't see need for this". People don't like to hear this. This is beauty of community together they cover more cases than one person can alone. The hole point is to use it for debugging. So, yes, your feedback very good to remind me to make it optional.

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